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Tweak My Life

Ongoing Adult Process Group




Can you articulate what you want and need in life?


Do you know how to challenge others with compassion?


What happens when you find yourself sabotaging your own growth?


What happens when your partner asks, “why do you do that?!”  *shoulder shrug*

**Group still on hold,
but message
if interested


Did you go to Relationship Class? Me neither.
So, how have we learned how to be in relationships? Work ones, romantic ones, family ones, the one with the mirror?
Usually, not very well.  
Enter... Process Groups

"Huh? Do what now?"

There are key things we need to know about ourselves,
key ways we need to practice communicating,
and group therapy is
the perfect (private) place
to get good at it!

"So, what key tweaks would change my relationships the most?"


  • Identifying the reasons for our internal reactions to others 

  • Having compassion for our self-sabotage

  • Expanding our understanding of how our differences can be assets

  • Practicing being assertive rather than passive, aggressive or passive-aggressive

  • Clarifying what risks lead to the life we want! 



Every other Thursday, 7:30 pm - 9 pm
6 member limit
Group began October 2015
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