Pre & Post Graduate Supervision
Supervision in the last year of graduate school, while working toward licensure, and every year in some capacity thereafter improves our therapeutic instincts. Becoming a therapist requires a great deal beyond book knowledge. The better you balance self-awareness, presence with the patient (or client), professionalism, flexible boundaries, clinical knowledge, and good business practices the stronger you will be.
Individual and group supervision are offered with a focus on developing the above mentioned balance. With a therapeutic approach from a Psychodynamic, Object Relations, perspective supervision includes, but is not limited to:
watching the relationship between therapist and client
analyzing elements from the relationship between supervisor and supervisee to identify parallel processes (and between supervisees)
ongoing look at countertransference
integration of insight being gained in personal therapy
exploring the particular ways the therapist’s interests, personality, and style can be used to benefit the patient
the option to discuss the role of spirituality and religion as both assets and deterrents to therapy
Graduate programs do not prepare therapist to think about the business of running a therapy practice. The basic elements will be discussed along with resources to pursue on personal time.
The life of the psychotherapist is a fascinating one. Together we will explore how to build the life, beyond the career.
While multiple modalities, skills, and approaches are welcome, remember my core experience lies in trauma (primarily of a sexual nature) and couples.
New(er) Therapists Process Group
Therapy group for therapists in their first 5 years of practice. Recent graduates welcome. Join those who speak a similar language and seek personal awareness. Must desire to offer and receive support.
Why?? Awareness brings clinical, personal, and financial profit. Truly!
Every other week – 1.5 hours - Allows for concurrent individual therapy
(Reduced to give back to the profession that has created opportunities
to meet amazing people. And, to improve the care offered to others.)